Thursday, February 20, 2014

"Equal." You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Gender pay gap has always been an issue, not just in Texas but in many, if not all, states. In the article titled "Texas must eliminate gender pay gap" from The Daily Texan, the opinion is given that this issue has been around for far too long and must be eliminated. The article presented a lot of significant facts supported by some information from the original article, coupled with some opinions.

First, the correlation between women getting paid less than men and the fact that women have higher college graduation rates than men, is an excellent point to arguing in favor of equal pay. Also, the number of women comprising the student body at The University of Texas is 51% female and 49% male. Hey, a win is a win.

Second, there are people who are defending, and seemingly supporting, that things stay the same and have even said that the pay gap is due to women choosing to get degrees in "lower paying fields" than men. I wish the article would have shown exactly which degrees that they meant along with the differences between salaries for both men and women. A chart would have helped tremendously instead of just listing a few of the degrees.

Third, the article mentions that is has been almost 51 years since the Equal Pay Act was made a federal law by John F. Kennedy. I feel like it would have helped to see the progress, or diminishment, that Texas has made since then. Again, a chart would help. It also should have mentioned that in 2013 Rick Perry vetoed a bill that would have prevented wage discrimination in Texas.

I do not think that this is a foot-in-the-door article meant to sway voters to the right or left. However, I do think that it is worth mentioning which political party is in support of the issue and which is against it. I don't like the way it just ends with "we need to eliminate the wage gap once and for all." Instead of just highlighting the problem the article needed to inform the voters about our potential new governor. This information would be to the advantage of voters in the midst of the current election. It is, after all, up to us to elect the person who will solve Texas' most pressing issues.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Wild West…seriously Ms. Davis?

     The article that I am writing about is one from the Texas Tribune titled "Davis Takes Friendly Fire on Gun Issue." State Senator Wendy Davis voiced her startling opinion wednesday that said she is in favor of open-carry laws. This law would require all persons carrying a handgun to carry the gun openly. As in on your hip. While the thought conjures up images of badass western icons, a la John Wayne, I believe that this is just a gimmick on Davis' part to try to court right-wing voters.
     Many of her supporters were taken aback by the shift in her views considering that she normally believes in more liberal issues. Her fellow senator, Leticia Van De Putte voiced her opinion stating that law enforcement, where she is from, "think that open carry does not make their job any easier." I am siding with them on this as well because it would cause more harm that good. For example, bank robbers would know exactly who to disarm in the event of a bank robbery. Also, lets throw in road rage to the mix. Road rage would take on dramatically new meaning if any 'ol Texan can carry a gun and wield it at will. The National Rifle Association also believes that this is a desperate attempt to win the election. 
     I believe that this issue is a huge one that could directly affect the safety of the people of Texas in a negative way. We should follow this legislation closely and also keep in mind the fact that Ms. Davis seems to be able to switch her moral compass from side to side at the prospect of winning an election.